martes, 23 de julio de 2013

The European Standard for Innovation Management (UNE-CEN/TS 16555-1:2013) has been recently published

On June, 2013, was approved the UNE-CEN/TS 16555-1:2013, the European Standard for Innovation Management, and finally on July, the 4th was finally published.
As Oana-Maria Pop (Senior Editor of IM) stated at the beginning of this year: “As evidence suggests, innovation – both as a field of study and as a practical discipline – has gained considerable traction over the past 15 years. As organizations become broader and more complex, the need for a systematic approach to new product, service or business development techniques strengthens accordingly. And this is merely the tip of the iceberg – there are multiple insights on why communities can benefit from an organized approach to innovation – a process at the heart of our everyday (business) lives. As of today, this approach is becoming a reality and work slowly progresses towards the creation of a unified Innovation Management Standard. Why the delay? Plainly because relating innovation to standardization is something most practitioners still find counter-intuitive”.
But that work successfully concluded this last June. In that successful result some stakeholders and supranational bodies such as AENOR in Spain and SIS in Sweden were crucial, integrated and collaborating inside the CEN/TC 389 Innovation Management technical committee, that was created (by CEN) in November 2008 to support a culture of innovation in Europe and accelerate the access of innovation to both domestic and global markets. Note: similar to the worldwide ISO, at the European level, Brussels-based CEN (the European Committee for Standardization) is the solely recognized organization for the planning drafting and adoption of European Standards in all major areas of business except electro-technology and telecommunications.
Concretely, the Spanish standard UNE 166002 (Gestión de la I+D+i) was published by AENOR in 2006 and bring a consistent set of guidelines on which the new European Standard has been built. Now AENOR is working in adapting (light changes) its UNE 166002 Standard to fully meet the UNE-CEN/TS 16555-1:2013. TISSAT is certified in UNE 166002 since 2010.
This Technical Specification provides guidance on establishing and maintaining an innovation management system (IMS). It is applicable to all public and private organisations regardless of sector, type or size. This document provides guidance on:
-          understanding the context of the organisation;
-          establishing the leadership and commitment of top management;
-          planning for innovation success;
-          identifying and fostering innovation enablers/driving factors;
-          developing the innovation management process;
-          evaluating and improving the performance of the innovation management system;
-          understanding and using innovation management techniques.

By using this document, organisations can increase their awareness of the value of an IMS, establish such a system, expand their capacity for innovation, and ultimately generate more value for the organisation and its interested parties. Since the innovation management system outlined in this document follows the PDCA structure (plan-do-check-act), so it can be integrated within other standardised business management systems existing in the organisations, e.g. EN ISO 9001, EN ISO 14001, etc. That’s the case of TISSAT, where these 3 Standards are fully integrated.
Finally, it should be noticed that the UNE-CEN/TS 16555-1:2013 is part of a family of Standards (on which the TC 389 is currently working on) as shown in the next table:
CEN/TS 16555   Standards Family
Estimated Date
Innovation   Management – Part 1: Innovation Management System
Innovation   Management – Part 2: Strategic Intelligence Management.
Innovation   Management – Part 3: Innovation Thinking
Innovation   Management – Part 4: Intellectual Property Management
Innovation   Management – Part 5: Collaboration Management
Innovation   Management – Part 6: Creativity Management
Innovation   Management – Part 7: Innovation Management Assessment

jueves, 11 de julio de 2013

TISSAT y GFI suman sus tecnologías para dar soluciones de virtualización en la nube

Tissat, empresa española especializada en el outsourcing de servicios de misión crítica y proveedora de servicios Cloud Computing, ha firmado un acuerdo con la empresa GFI Informática, empresa de Consultoría y Servicios informáticos con presencia internacional, para ofrecer una solución completa a sus clientes.
En virtud de este acuerdo, Tissat aportará sus soluciones Cloud en la nube, su infraestructura de referencia, Walhalla, el primer centro de datos español comercialmente disponible con certificación Tier IV y capacidad para ofrecer alojamiento a nivel internacional y su plataforma para dar soluciones cloud.
Por su parte, GFI Informática contribuye con su experiencia en desarrollo de software a medida para dotar a esta solución de la integración y mantenimiento requeridos para dar una solución personalizada a cada cliente.
En palabras de Carmen García, Directora de Tissat Madrid, “es momento de sumar para poder ofrecer a los clientes la mejor solución y servicio en un sector en el que existe una amplia oferta de tecnologías, muchas veces desconocidas por las empresas para optimizar su gestión y garantizar la máxima seguridad posible”.
“El acuerdo que hemos suscrito con Tissat  permitirá a  GFI proporcionar soluciones de Cloud Computing a nuestros clientes, principalmente en entornos que requieren de una certificación especial, en unas condiciones muy ventajosas y competitivas”, ha comentado Javier Uriarte, Director  de Desarrollo de Negocio de GFI.
A cerca de GFI Internacional
GFI Internacional es una empresa de Consultoría y Servicios Informáticos con presencia internacional en más de siete países y una fuerte implantación en Francia, donde se ha convertido en una de las marcas más conocidas en el sector de los servicios informáticos. Proporciona soluciones globales y un amplio abanico de servicios avalados por la certificación ISO 9001.

miércoles, 3 de julio de 2013

Tissat Recertifies its Energy Efficiency and Design in its Data Centers and Reobtains the ISO 50001 Standard

Tissat, leader in the field of Data Centers and owner of Walhalla, the first Tier IV Data Center offering these services in Spain, becomes one of the only two companies in Spain that have obtained this quality certification and energy efficiency for its Data Centers.
This standard specifies requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining and improving an energy management system, allowing Tissat to have a systematic approach and thus achieve continuous improvement in energy performance, including energy efficiency, energy security, energy use and consumption. This certificate helps Tissat continually reduce its use and its costs of energy and the emission of greenhouse gases.
The application of this standard for about two years as well as the monitoring of the best practices established by the “European Code of Conduct for Data Centers”, along with other measures that accompany and support this standard (ex. DCIM system) have allowed to the Tissat’s Data Center Walhalla reaching a PUE of 1.15, measured according to the strict and continuous level measurement of type 3 defined by ASHRAE, the Green Grid, the Uptime Institute and so on.
Note: This TISSAT certification have been recently improved by the AENOR’s EA0044:2013 Data Centres Energetic Sustainability Certification,  that  accredits that a Data Centre accomplishes with the established energy audits, as well as energy and carbon footprint management systems, contributing to mitigate climate change.
Requisitos establecidos y compromisos adquiridos ISO 50001